The little boy

He wakes up and has to take care of business. There are diapers to change, issues to solve and fights to be had to survive this life that was given to this little boy.

“Hey! Come here.” He hears a bully scream. “What?” He bravely responds. He starts to negotiate a beating. He loses the negotiation and the bully and the boy get into a huge fight. 

His mom arrives at the school overwhelmed by this problem and by the other 4 kids she has to take care of. The little boy feels no shame, he had a reason to do it. He gets kicked out of that institution and once again had to go searching for a new school. 

The little boy is screaming and no one can hear him. Help me! Help me! He screams. His mom can’t hear him over other babies crying. Help!!! I need somebody! Help!!! He wasn’t heard. 

The boy becomes a man and has made many dysfunctional friends along the way. He tries many drugs and becomes friends with alcohol. But he does still admire his dad and wants to make him proud. He starts to work and is an average joe. 

The man wakes up one day and cannot breathe. Help!!! He yells again. Help!!! No one can hear him, he’s alone. He searches for help and finds Yoda. This yoda is modern, he comes in the form of an old wise man with white hair. He decides to help the little boy. The man was relieved. 

The process begins and the little boy arises. So much to fix, so much to undo. Can it be done?

Changes are made drastically; some good, some extreme. The message is sent but is taken to the extreme. Something comes of it; more good than bad. The man can breathe again and that’s good enough for him. 

Many stories unfold simultaneously and many people are yelling help! And we can’t hear them and they can’t hear us. Let’s try to get it right the first time. Let’s try to help each other out and be connected enough to listen! 

There is no longer an excuse. Let’s save the little boys and girls that have done nothing wrong. Let’s give them love and attention. Let’s save them before it’s too late. 

And if it’s too late, let’s be compassionate and try to understand that sometimes we’re all just doing the best we can and that should be enough for now. 

The little boy is in the process of being saved. It’s a long process but an effective one. It’s slow but steady. Let’s embrace our processes and remember that we’re all a work in progress. 


She’s in the middle of the forest and doesn’t know what’s going on. She has been blindfolded and her hands are tied behind her back. It’s daytime because she can feel the warmth. Lost she carries on without knowing where to go. All she instinctively knows she must do is find a path. How? She wonders. How will I be able to find it without my sight? She can’t. She simply can’t.

For years she carries on without knowing where she’s going or how to get somewhere she doesn’t even know exists. Until one very dark day, in the middle of the night she finds Mantra. Mantra seems to be quite dark but he isn’t. She hopefully expects him to take her to the path and tells him all about it. After carefully listening, he simple decided not to take her anywhere. And with one single word he devastated her. No.

She cannot understand why he won’t take her somewhere. He hangs around and starts to explain why he cannot help her. She’s hurt and disappointed, doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say.

After months of hearing him tell her how he can help in a different way, she finally decides to listen.

I will show you how to free yourself. I will show you how to find the path yourself. I will teach you to remove your blindfold and I’ll show you how to become completely liberated all on your own. She hated the idea at first and now, day by day she listens and she tries. She fails and continues to fail. She still cannot see. She first has to believe she can and then we will see what happens.